Uptime:Мини ТСД

by Аптайм



THE APP WORKS ONLY IN PAIR WITH EXTENSIONS FOR 1C: UNF AND 1C: RETAIL CONFIGURATIONS PLACED IN THE 1C: FRESH CLOUD!The "Uptime:Mini TSD" extension is available in the "Extensions Catalog".Scan barcodes of your goods, get detailed information on the phone screen, upload scanned barcodes to 1C.The application allows you to scan barcodes with your phones camera, built-in scanner (on TSD devices) or using connected external scanners.Scanned barcodes can be uploaded to any 1C document with the Goods table that supports working with barcodes: orders to suppliers and customers, sales and receipts, inventory.More https://wiki.uptime39.ru/ru/tiny-tsd-appTo work with some external scanners, you may need to install additional drivers, for this the application is allowed to work with the "Install Applications" functionality.